Monday, September 29, 2008

Friday, September 26, 2008

Discontinuous Graph

Click the title for the daily conspiracy theory, and another financial opportunity.  I'm guessing the mystery bettor is Billy Jeff, but I suppose there are more interesting slash sinister possibilities.

More nerdily, the impulse response of the market feedback is clearly visible in the Obama graph, and impressively fast (~4 hours) albeit slightly overdamped.  The Clinton market does not seem to have sufficient liquidity for such characterization.

Equates libertarianism with an incomplete understanding of PID loops

That's all well and good...

But will it blend?

Suspending his campaign for abusing the class guinea pig

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Daemon Bib / Niacin Clamp

Remember 1996, when the republican candidate seemed hapless and cute? You could take signs with his name on them and rearrange the letters so they spelled "Olde." Ha ha! Those were the days. An attempt to relive them follows:

Clam in Panic!
Can-can, I limp!
I nip clan Mac.

Ahh. I feel better. This was An Bomb Idea.


Still searching for himself.


A cathartic and well-written article. But horribly reminiscent of a lot of other cathartic and clever diatribes from the last decade. All the points have been made again and again, but seem to have no sticking power with vast swaths of the electorate. So somehow, reading an article like this reminds me of 1994, 2000, 2004-- it reminds me of defeat.


Whose very house has become a Theocracy

Friday, September 19, 2008

The Home Stretch

We're a lot of mouth here at Nation Indivisible. Time to put some money there, as well, I think, in these final days before November 4.

Every little bit counts. Everybody has $5. So that should be straightforward.


Hates asking for money. Hates not feeling like he's done everything he could even more than that.

The same refrain...

"It's a bad face for us to put up to the public, and it continues to impugn public mindedness and statesmanship of the political process," said state Sen. Fred Dyson, a Republican who has asked an Anchorage court to shut down the inquiry. "It's become a full-contact sport with no rules of engagement. It's very disgusting. People have a right to be disgusted, as they try to refrain their gag reflex. "

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Apocalypse Watch

DMW sent this to me, but strangely did not post it here. So I've taken that prerogative.

It's a live-action view of the LHC.


Believes the universe is fundamentally sound

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

'nuf said

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Do you take positrons?

Printer ink, per pound, is about twice as expensive as human blood.  Obvious start-up opportunity?  Other good forms of portable wealth: LSD and antimatter.


Needs some aspirin to produce a hard copy of his contract with satan.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Media done right

I'm not a lover of the average pundit interview, but this one shows uncharacteristic teeth, for a something not done by the BBC:

Admires people who don't take another answer for the answer to their actual question

Monday, September 1, 2008

Leader of the free world?

Sarah Palin's early career:

Hatchet(man) = buried

This is a nice piece by Howard Wolfson, chief attack dog for Hillary Clinton, expressing his newfound support and admiration for Obama. It's striking in its endorsement, and sort of unbelievably trite in its explanation of how it took him so long. But I think it's good news, and probably reflective of the mood of many of the Clinton die-hards.

Sometimes blindered himself, honestly