Saturday, December 19, 2009

Cute little nothings

Wishes color choice was his only obstacle

Friday, December 18, 2009

The Senator from CT


Unlike Joe Lieberman, looks more like himself than a sock puppet

Decision Tree (h/t L. Blair)


Hi Kids,

Facebook has been...not deactivated or disabled, exactly, but gravely injured by the IT department at my place of employment. The benefit to Science may be marginal, though, because the result is not a sudden uptick in pipetting, but a return to this blog as a repository of ripostes.

And thus, a backlog:

This is an essential piece of reading from the NYT re: the mathematics of preventive care and screening. Bear with the's worth it for the comprehensive understanding of how Positive Predictive Values can change your life.

And this is a nice little shout-out to the cutting edge of modern surgery. Pointless? Probably. But fascinating all the same.

How 'bout that Lieberman?

Say it ain't so, Joe