Sunday, January 18, 2009

Shout out to the Wingers!

No, not the right wingers, the Matt Wingers. I remain hopeful there's a difference...


These are my cousins in Ohio. Matt is a much more regular blogger than I, so if you're looking for more internet-based information from someone with many of my same genes, he's the place to go. And he's kindly linked my blog from his. Right back atcha, boss.



MCWinger said...

ok so here i am... Ii was hoping for a link to the right, but i guess i dont rate that high... >:-|

how do I post to this site?
I have great fears of where we are headed and stand on the other side of the fence from the regular contributers to this site and thinks a 2 way conversation might liven things up a bit. and may help me get unhooked from the am radio mentality...

Nation Indivisible said...

Well, all you have to do is ask.

I've sent you an invitation...let me know if you don't get it. It'll be fun to have a Dittohead around.

Read "Introduction to the Blog" for a sense of the founding principles: spirited, biased discussion with an underlying respect for opinions of all sorts, and a real appreciation for good links.