Thursday, April 17, 2008

Louisville Recap (courtesy of the NYT)

A few weeks back I went to Louisville, KY, about the most unlikely place that you'd expect to find the crossroads of American theatre. But there it is, showcased annually as the Humana Festival for New American Plays. Louisville is actually full of surprises: beyond being the scene of the most dynamic weekend in theatre, and, of course, the Kentucky derby, it is also a place where you can see Mary Kay cadillacs lined up down the street, and of an outfit called "Simplified Urgent Care," which will the subject of a later post, with bells on. What's more, it's the home of the freshest seafood in America, by its own boast, for having the national UPS shipping hub at its airport. And the fish there really is amazing. But back to the stage: read about it here, and if you want my personal beliefs, reverse the reviews of "Neighborhood" and "Hurricaine Gordo."

Seriously thinking about moving to Louisville at some point.

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