Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Obama: JEK! My friend and confidant! What ever shall I do? I battled and battled for Pennsylvania, and did not win it.

Me: You were always going to lose Pennsylvania. The old democrats don't go down easy.

Obama: But since the some of the democratic primary voters didn't vote for me, and instead voted for the other democrat, some in such numbers that the state effectively turned blue for the first time since Reconstruction, my chances of victory are surely diminished and my prospects imperilled!

Me: Don't you listen to anything I tell you, chump?

Obama: Well, I suppose I'll continue fighting tooth and nail against Hillary Clinton. Pity I can't get around to the general election yet, but as long as she has one shot in a million I guess I have to pay her mind.

Me: Well, you could do that...or you could just start working against McCain, ignore Clinton, and let her flame out of her own accord (while not seeming to totally ignore the people of NC and Indy.)

Obama: But...um, no, wait, actually that sounds like a really good idea.

Me: I'll be in the plane.

Maxed out for the primary last month. You should try it...your wallet feels lighter, but so does your step.

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