Monday, May 26, 2008

The Good Old Days

One of most unfortunate things about being a surgeon is that one is often forced to read things written by surgeons. Surgeons' writing is pretty universally terrible. These are people, remember, who have learned almost everything they know from one another, and the vast majority of them last wrote non-science in high school. There are exceptions, of course...Atul Gawande, whom I don't agree with on a lot of things, at least writes about those things with real skill.

Nowhere is surgical writing more likely to make me want to strangle myself than in the editorial section of the many cheap journals sent to me each week as vehicles for pharmaceutical and device advertising. One of the worst is "Surgical Rounds," whose editor, Bernie Jaffe, is sort of an archetype of the disaffected modern older surgeon. Almost every one of his editorials makes spurious arguments for a return to the Good Old Days of surgery...days that have not, in fact, ever existed. But that doesn't stop him from pining for a time when residents properly lived in their hospitals, he was paid millions of dollars a year and couldn't walk down a street without people bursting into applause at his passing, and insurance companies didn't give him any guff. Almost every one is enough to set me drafting resignation letters.

But this most recent one really goes beyond the pale. Bernie's given up on wishing for the happy days of the 1960s. Now, he's advocating a return to the real pinnacle of surgery, medicine, and society in general: Italy in the 1660s!

Yes, those were banner days. Fie on the so-called "progress" of the past 400 years!

Can't believe this isn't a joke, but is certain this isn't a joke.


POHS said...

The photo alone looks like something from The Onion. The file name for the image is "Jaffe_frown_lrg.jpg" Maybe that shows an element of self-humor, or perhaps someone else named the file.

Link to frown photo

Link to smile photo

Nation Indivisible said...

Nice pickup.

The frown is used when he is writing about something he is mad about. The smile is used when he is writing something he is smiling about.

Here's the link to an explanation (and a picture of Bernie before he lost weight). Apologies for not embedding the link better...I'm not sure how to do that.

To Bernie's credit, looking back at all the editorials since he developed this autistic-unfriendly tool, smiles beat frowns by almost 2:1.

POHS said...

Okay, that's actually pretty funny. I give him credit for that. Thanks for explaining it.

As always, it's easy to make fun of someone, until you get to know them a little better. Then you usually find there's something to like. Not that you can't still poke fun. Overall, this is a good thing cause it keeps us from becoming intolerant.

For example, I actually laugh at Bush's jokes sometimes. I can't think of any right now, and i suspect a google search for "bush jokes" would come up with unintended results.

PS, to embed a link into a comment you have to type the anchor tag manually. I would show you the syntax, but I suspect it would itself get turned into a link. Ah, ok, here's how to do it.

<a href="">Link Text</a>

PPS "autistic-unfriendly tool" hilarious!