Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Phrase This

Let's make a compilation of campaign season phrases that we don't like.

First, to recap previous pecadillos:

- "At the (gas) pump"
- "on Day One"
- Democrat as an adjective (vs. Democratic)
- "on the ground"

Now, some more (please add yours to the comment section):

- Anything-gate
- Obamamania
- Race card
- moral hazard

Revisionist lexicographer


POHS said...

This is interesting. I want to think about it. The first one that comes to mind is "Swift Boating."

I have mixed feelings about this one. On the one hand, the fact that it has gained acceptance as everyday lexicon to describe an unfair attack proves that the swift boat ads will be viewed as such in the eyes of history. And I support it's use in the spirit of "lest we forget." But I thought it had gone a little too far when I read the phrase "Wright boating."

proof that it's now an accepted term, it's in wikipedia.

Nation Indivisible said...

"The American People" when used to mean, "You should think". As in, "the American people know that I am the better candidate," or "all Americans are offended."

Momentum and its derivatives. Especially "Mittmentum." Remember that?

Nation Indivisible said...

"Monger" -- As in Hopemonger and Fearmonger, two unfortunate favorites of Obama's stump.

johnny said...

vetted, and Iowa.

Nation Indivisible said...

"Gaffe." Why is it that words no one would ever use in normal conversation are so reflexively employed in these interminable months. Someone needs to bring the chattering reportage out of their little box.