Friday, March 21, 2008

The Math

I am lazy. Lazy, and suffering a stomach ailment. Both prevent me addressing the election with anything more than vague qualitative methods. And certainly I am in no shape to do what I would otherwise do, with less laziness and more gastrointestinal reliability: go to the Clinton camp and challenge their senior advisors with delegate math. But the people at Politico have done the math, and have stronger stomachs, and have come out with this article, which says, in short: not gonna happen for Clinton, and they kinda know it. And the press is crazed for pretending otherwise. All of which, qualitatively, I agree with. The painting of this campaign as anything other than a very, very long shot for the Clinton camp is both irresponsible and commonplace. As the boys (and yes, they do all seem to be boys) at TPM acknowledge, theira culpa.

When a reporter, used to chafe at being told to create storylines that didn't fit the facts, but usually did as he was told. Does not believe a long Democrat nom process helps anyone except Rush Limbaugh + friends.

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