Friday, March 14, 2008

Proportional Response

The newest game among the campaigns, as we trudge dutifully off to Pennsylvania, is sniping off advisers and surrogates. Stephanie Power went, victim of jet lag, an abundance of honesty, and a reporter who had a funny sense of ground rules; then Geraldine Ferraro was hauled off the national stage, a bit too late for her own good. One all.

The laser sites and hollow points now seem aimed at Jeremiah Wright, Obama's pastor. He said some things that weren't very nice about America. And I think a week ago we would have seen Obama running scared at this...denouncing his church, joining some nice white denomination on the North Side of Chicago, perhaps, and certainly running away from this as fast as he could. But in a sign that maybe a little bit of sanity has started to prevail here, he is instead just saying this (via the Huffington Post): just because a guy is my minister doesn't mean I always agree with him. And besides, he's not my minister anymore. Done.

An additional plus: another chance to reinforce his Christianity, to those to whom it matters.

Can you be a lapsed Unitarian if you never really started; If he was held responsible for the things his close friends and relations said and did he would be writing this from prison.

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